Dear Future Adopter,
I’m so excited to finally meet you! I’ve been waiting quite a while to meet the love of my life, and I’m really happy it’s you! Since we’re just meeting for the first time, there’s a few things I want to know about me—after all, relationships are all about trust, right?
To start off, I came from a pretty sad background where I was really, really, frightened by people. So much so, that my previous shelter was concerned about my wellbeing, so they sent me to the ASPCA Behavioral Rehabilitation Center (BRC) in hopes of working through my fears. Luckily, the kind humans at the BRC have helped me become comfortable and more trusting of interactions with people—in fact, I’ve learned that they bring good things like treats and soft blankets!
Speaking of soft blankets, I’ve been known to be quite the connoisseur of all things soft—see the pictures below for proof! Some people have even referred to me as the “Prince and the Pea!” In addition to soft things, I love going on walks, spending time in kiddie pools or creeks, and playing with toys.
While I love taking trips to the creek, I’m still working on getting into and out of the car, so I’d really like it if you could continue to help me learn. I would also really love another dog to run and play with, especially one that likes to go on walks and share their toys!
I’m so happy you’re making my dreams of finding a home come true, so let’s make it official! Please email Jenny at [email protected] to submit an application to bring me home!
See you soon!
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