Brain’s water system and stroke treatment
The brain rests in a fluid, which among other things protects it from concussions. Scientists have known this for centuries. […]
The brain rests in a fluid, which among other things protects it from concussions. Scientists have known this for centuries. […] Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) give rise to blood and immune cells of the body, and are therefore essential for our […] Green blood is one of the most unusual characteristics in the animal kingdom, but it’s the hallmark of a group […] Children who were exposed to higher levels of air pollution during the third trimester of their mother’s pregnancy had a […] For people who have hypertension and certain other conditions, eating too much salt raises blood pressure and increases the likelihood […] Sympathetic nerve activity to skeletal muscle blood vessels — a function of the nervous system that helps regulate blood pressure […] You’ve heard of “nature versus nurture,” and philosophers argue about which is more important. But how does this work on […] Research shows anti-hypertensive drugs improve heart rate more in patients who listen to music after taking medication. Among musical genres, […] Controlling blood pressure with any of the commonly prescribed antihypertensive medications can prevent dementia in older African-Americans with hypertension according […] Dynamic interactions between the nervous system, hormones and the immune system are normally on-going but in diabetes the balance is […]Hypertension
Brain’s water system and stroke treatment
A system of check and balances in the blood: How Hematopoietic Stem Cells manage to switch between activation and dormancy
The mystery of lime-green lizard blood: Scientists find clues that may lead to cures for malaria and other diseases
In-womb air pollution exposure associated with higher blood pressure in childhood
Flexible, wearable oral sodium sensor could help improve hypertension control
Increased nerve activity may raise blood pressure in anxiety
Treating cardiovascular disorders–and more–with the flips of a switch: Using light to switch calcium ions on and off may have implications for regenerative medicine
Music intensifies effects of anti-hypertensive medication: Anti-hypertensive drugs improving heart rate more in patients who listen to music after taking medication
Controlling blood pressure even when older can prevent dementia in African Americans
The relevance of GABA for diabetes
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