How To Lose 1kg A Week By Following A Healthy Fitness Plan

If you’ve made the decision to healthify your body composition (fitness speak for lose fat and increase muscle) it’s time to talk about the best way to do this.

Ignore the detox tea ads and quick fix promises of going keto – it’s time to spotlight how to lose fat and keep it off. Today’s talk: how to lose 1kg, the amount of weight that 20per cent of you said you wanted to shift in the WH Naked Survey, by following healthy protocols.

How many calories do you need to burn to lose 1kg?

First up, let’s crunch some numbers. One pound of fat is around 3,500 calories. So, in order to lose 1kg a week (a nice, healthy, sustainable amount), you need to create around a 7,700 calorie deficit. Sound like a lot? It’s time to talk fitness tactics.

What is the best exercise to lose 1kg?

The secret, says PT to the stars Matt Roberts, is interval training – alternating high-intensity bursts with lower intensity rest periods is the quickest and most effective way to burn fat. If you’re not already doing it, it’s seriously time you did.

Why does interval training help with fat burn?

It’s down to something called EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) – aka the Afterburn Effect – which forces your body to continue burning bonus calories (as it removes lactic acid, repairs and strengthens muscles etc) for up to 36 hours after you’ve left the gym. Clever, huh.

This could be far more effective than fasted cardio.

What is the best fitness plan for this?

Roberts recommends following this fitness balance:

Ready to get cracking? We asked Roberts to share the fat-burning secrets of his worldwide wellbeing retreats. With little time and maximum results needed, Roberts has go-to training tactics in his arsenal.

#Disclaimer: prepare to feel the burn and remember you need to fuel your workouts and recovery with healthy food. You should also ensure you drink copious amounts of water and sleep well.

Sample Workout Plan

Ensure you warm up before each session and cool down with these essential stretches after each session.

Intense cardio: Run Session

20 Minutes: steady-state jog

15 Minutes: hill interval sprints

Roberts says: ‘Keep your body upright to engage the glutes and hamstrings when running – especially on hills when the temptation can be to lean forward – and strike the ground with your mid-foot (not your heel) to reduce stress on the body.’

5 Minutes: dynamic exercises

20 Minutes: steady-state jog

Intense cardio: Run Session

Complete three times: 45 seconds per station plus a 15-second rest.

Mountain climbers

Roberts says: ‘Aim to get your foot as close to your hand as possible to enjoy a deep hip stretch.’

Hamstring curls with fitness ball

Roberts says: ‘Watch that your hips don’t dip throughout this move; keep them lifted high.’

Straddle squat jumps

Roberts says: ‘Be explosive as you jump onto the box – but don’t linger on the top.’

Comando Plank

Roberts says: ‘Modify this move as you fatigue by lower to a kneeling plank.’

Walking lunges

Roberts says: ‘Reach your hands overhead and drop deep into each lunge – think quality of movement over quantity.’

Core workout

Plank (hold for 20 seconds)

Side plank with twist (10 reps each side)

Double leg lower (10 reps)

Side plank with hip dip (10 reps each side)

Plank rocks (10 reps)

Strength session

Perform each exercise for 10-12 reps and complete each tri- or super-set three times.

Bicep curls, tricep curls and side raises

Chest press and pull downs


Three minutes of 30-second on/30-second off, flat-out sprits on either a bike or rowing machine.

What to eat to lose 1KG a week

First off, cutting food groups or only eating select foods won’t create long-lasting healthy food habits says Roberts. Instead, you’re far better to focus on what you can add into your diet for health gains. By doing this, you’ll naturally lower your intake of high-calorie low-nutrition foods.

Here’s your healthy eating guidelines:

This article originally appeared on Women’s Health UK.

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