Even smokers are in favour of the ban on advertising

57 percent of German citizens support a complete ban on the advertising of electric cigarettes and tobacco heater – this is the result of a representative survey conducted by the University of Düsseldorf, which is the MIRROR. Only 11 percent want to that the products may be advertised.

Even among the E cigarette consumers, there is a relative majority for the advertising ban: 43 percent of all steamers in favour, 22% against; the rest of the show on the fence. Also in the case of tobacco smokers, the proponents of the ban (46 percent outweigh, 14 percent contrast). The survey is part of the Debra study, one of the most comprehensive studies on the topic of Smoking and Vaping in Germany.

The Debra (German survey on Smoking behaviour) is an ongoing representative household survey of persons aged 14 years and over. For the current survey data for the wave in June/July 2019 were analyzed by 2.019 respondents. Was asked according to the degree of agreement to the following statement: “The advertising of E-cigarettes, tobacco, heaters, and similar products should be prohibited, also the advertising in foreign areas (e.g. at bus stops and billboards) and in cinemas.”

“In the advertising is propagated that it is normal to consume E-cigarettes,” says study leader Daniel Kotz, Professor for addiction research at the Institute for General medicine of the University of Düsseldorf. “But even a lot of vapers and smokers recognize this: We must breed a new Generation of nicotine addicts to approach.” Politicians do not need to worry about, therefore, that they could feed their voters with an advertising ban increase. It’s just advertising for conventional cigarettes, is the share of the ban supporters according to polls, is even higher.

Germany: laxeste advertising laws in the EU

The result of the study, above all, puts people under pressure. Germany advertising is the most lenient Smoking laws in the EU because the CDU/CSU group in the Bundestag advertising for years, a comprehensive ban on tobacco and nicotine products is prevented. Germany is the only country in the EU that allows the tobacco multinationals, about their products extensively on posters and in the cinema, advertise. The Bundestag has undertaken 15 years ago to the world health organization (WHO), to adopt by 2010 at the latest, a “comprehensive ban on all forms of tobacco advertising”.

At the end of June, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) called for a ban on tobacco advertising and said that her group will find by the end of the year, a stance on the topic. According to Union circles, to be presented next time is actually a design for advertising restrictions. In addition to health policy-makers also Faction leader Ralph brinkhaus (CDU) is now apparently on the spell. Brinkhaus’ predecessor, Volker Kauder had blocked with all of his Power, a ban on advertising.

Against advertising restrictions, especially the CDU economic fight wing, as well as powerful CDU-the local politicians. The latter fear that they will get in the future, no bus stops, more of the tobacco and advertising industry sponsored.

Sponsors for events of political parties

So far, the outdoor advertising ban for tobacco cigarettes in the course of negotiations, but not for E-cigarettes. Too large, the resistance of the economic and municipal politicians. Some CSU-politicians are also in favour of producers such as Philip Morris (“Marlboro”) shall continue to apply to tobacco heater as “iqos” over a large area. Philip Morris has its Germany Headquarters in Gräfelfing, near Munich, and supported for years, events of political parties with the sponsors money.

The industry claims that it is addressed with your advertising for E-cigarettes and tobacco heater exclusively to adult cigarette smokers to inform them about the new, less harmful products.

Addiction researchers Kotz replied: “De facto, the advertising is also aimed at adolescents and young people.” As sponsor, E-cigarette manufacturers music festivals and driving campaigns in social networks. Most recently, the group had hung in the Imperial the great hall of the Hamburg main railway station, with larger-than-life banners to its E-cigarette brand “myblu” to the full.

Serious lung problems after the consumption of E-cigarettes

In Germany, E-cigarettes are widely used among young people as yet, considerably less than, for example, in U.S. high schools, where millions of young people are nicotine-addicted.

“E-cigarettes can be a way to help tobacco addicts to the exit. But the advertising should not entice young people to enter,” says Kotz, who speaks at the beginning of October on the topic of the Federal Ministry for food and agriculture. “So important is enlightenment: you should not come from the E-cigarette industry, but by the Federal centre for health education.”

Many of the steamers are just insecure. In the USA several Hundred “Vaper” to the use of E-cigarettes severe lung problems; six of them died of the mysterious disease. The cause is not known, who is responsible but it could be an additional substance called Vitamin-E-acetate. This is not included in Europe in conventional Liquids, says addiction expert Kotz. “I don’t advise you to fill the device with any stuff that you get on the Internet. Not even with a hair dryer in the bathtub.”

When used properly, electronic cigarettes will not be but long as harmful as tobacco cigarettes.