Nervousness – causes and treatment

To get a fright, yet no disease has value in itself. In certain situations, for example, when unexpectedly, a very loud noise occurs, or a horror film takes a dramatic turn, it is completely normal to scared to react. However, there are also people who suffer from chronic nervousness. Play here often profound psychological stress in a role, what makes a therapeutic treatment is necessary. Learn in this post more about the causes and appropriate treatment options.

Table of contents

  • Traumatic Experiences
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Mental Illness
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Substance influence
  • Other Causes
  • Accompanying symptoms
  • Drugs
  • Psychotherapy
  • Relaxation therapy
  • Medicinal herbs
  • Private Measures

What causes Jumpiness?

Actually, the shock is a completely natural reaction to a surprising Situation, which causes frightening or threatening feelings in us. He can also not control and is an instinctive Reflex from the distant past, as the Survival of the people in the Wilderness depended very heavily on whether he could assess dangers early enough as such. Different smells, sounds, and environments had to be promptly as hazardous or non-hazardous classified. What put the people in fear and terror, led, therefore, immediate protective mechanisms and protective behaviour, which occur even today, reflex-like ways. For this purpose, the pinch of the eyes or the wince as a response to protect from flying objects not to include, for example, even if these are available.

A reflex-like scream as an expression of terror is not unusual. He served his time, to signal the pack of danger. In addition, an intensive retreat of the people also often observe the possible conflict situations want to get out of the way, which mean for you a special horror. To Hide in case of danger, a behavior that is closely bound up with the terrible feeling in connection, therefore, is also. But how exactly are the jumpiness, the result is now?

Medically speaking, it is a relatively short-term fear reaction, which lasts usually only a fraction of a second, with a maximum of a real second. In this short period of time, it comes out terrible, due to an extreme release of adrenaline, which puts the entire body in a state of high alert. The senses sharpen, the muscles are tense and the heart beats faster. All this, in the event of an actual danger to act as quickly as possible, for instance by defending himself, dodging, or running away. There are numerous scenarios, such jumpiness is entitled to be incurred. These include the following:

  • loud gunfire or explosion sounds,
  • sudden meet with dangerous creatures,
  • Natural disasters,
  • War scenarios
  • Accidents,
  • physical confrontations.

However, there are also situations in which mistakenly pays a terror, as in the case of nightmares, or if a loud noise resembling the blast of a firearm, it is only a ruptured tire. As soon as our brain has recognized the danger of a lack of such situations, calms the mind, usually very quickly. For some people such a Situation but nonetheless, – also without any danger of the value – from repeated panic. There are even people who react without any reason, Jumpy, or in certain situations, in a kind of Shock lapse, because they are reminiscent of long-past traumatic experiences, and their images in the Moment of terror back come. In such a case, one speaks of a morbid Nervousness.

Causes of morbid Nervousness

The causes are usually psychological in nature, which does not exclude physical factors but generally. The body is, for example, in a life-threatening condition, such as a serious illness or poisoning can also cause this feeling of terror. For a better Overview, then the most important causes in the Overview.

Traumatic Experiences

Anyone who has suffered in the past severe Trauma that tends to respond in a so-called trigger situations with a momentary nervousness, which is due to the memory of the traumatic experience. Conceivably, a whole range of Trauma in this regard are experiences, including

  • The trauma of the war,
  • Abuse,
  • Bullying,
  • Ndes,
  • Accident trauma,
  • Loss experiences.

How difficult such a Trauma may affect, shows the post-traumatic stress disorder. She became known especially through cumulative cases among war veterans and soldiers, in which patients in apparent noise (to be added harmless situations by mere Trigger-e.g., helicopter sounds) in a state of Jumpy Flashbacks. Through the life of the person Concerned to repeatedly long past, however, life-threatening war experiences, and tables Flashback during this trauma in a very exceptional state of total panic. The extent that you are able to move or respond. For several minutes, literally in the traumatic terror caught them once befall.

Important: in addition to the trauma of the War, all other identified Trauma can lead to experiences of a post-traumatic stress disorder with acute flash back stages. Such a disorder needs to be treated urgently, as it is in the long term, only a mental but also severe physical impact on our Health!

Anxiety disorders

If left untreated, can develop trauma, and sometimes also to anxiety disorders. As in the case of post-traumatic stress disorder is triggered by Trigger stimuli a baseless nervousness. Known fear of confined spaces (claustrophobia) is, in this respect, for example. It arises many times, when people in their Childhood or youth were once trapped in a narrow space.

It is different, for example, in the case of the fear of spiders (arachnophobia), in the case of the spiders Affected by her mere appearance, and possibly also due to their hairy surface, or its fast Crawling locomotion in a panic of fear. Often anxiety disorders are not necessarily a logical cause, but the mere fear that something could go wrong. Good examples are here:

  • Fear Of Flying (Aviophobie),
  • Fear of the dentist (dental phobia),
  • Fear of heights (acrophobia).

Clearly the situation is more complicated with social phobias. These have a number of sub-forms and unity, not to a specific Trauma event. Often bullying experiences, or domestic violence play a role. It can, however, put just very embarrassing events (for example, the wetting of the Public in the age of the child) behind such phobias. Common to all of the social phobias, however, is that they give the Affected an increased nervousness in social situations, such as when you are addressed by others or someone tries to make eye contact with them. Even larger masses of people provoke in individuals with social phobia is always panicky and Jumpy moments.

Another Form of anxiety disorder that can include more or less social phobias and can occur as an accompanying factor in appearance, is the panic disorder. Appropriate chronic panic attacks arise mainly from very significant life changes, which do not need to necessarily mean a Trauma, to cope for those Affected, but a similar can be difficult. Conceivable panic attacks are, for example, due to a job loss or a Relationship ending. Similarly, actual loss trauma (for example, but by the death of a loved one) or Trauma due to a physically or mentally stressful relationship in question. This shows that the Transitions are the causes of a panic disorder often blurred.

Mental Illness

While phobias are among the mental disorders, there are also some mental illnesses that lead to a special Irritability as a cardinal symptom. For this purpose, the bipolar disorder, for example. Although as a fault, is in truth but a tangible disease of the emotions (affects). It comes to extreme mood swings that bring in addition to particularly euphoric phases such special sadness with. Closely related to the bipolar disorder of Depression.

An additional mental disorder, which can propel the world of feeling to an unusual irritability, is schizophrenia. The disease takes a high degree of influence on the perception as well as the world of thoughts and feelings of the person Concerned, which not only means that you obviously perform harmless situations wrongly, as dangerous or threatening, but also uncontrolled voices heard and feelings felt.

Neurological Disorders

Far from mental illness can manifest itself in the brain and neurological disorders, with an increased Irritability goes hand in hand. Particular mention should be made of the epilepsy, which is characterized by involuntary seizures characterized, the announce for those Affected, however, often by a so-called Aura. would be here Many reports from developing in this aura phase of a threatening feeling or an unpleasant presence to perceive what may, of course, go with a great terror are associated. Also, is pronounced in the context of a long-standing seizure suffering the uncertainty of everyday wear, because these individuals will develop at some point, the fear to suffer in Public in a seizure. The disease-related Jumpiness can be intensified in the case of epilepsy by social phobias still. Again, this shows how closely mental and physical factors may be interrelated.

Not as neurological causes for the Nervousness also neuropathies are ruled out, of course. This refers to diseases of the peripheral nervous system, as, for example, in the case of nerve inflammation given. Also neuralgia, so strong pain symptoms, which are, of course, due to nerves, can be a trigger.

Substance influence

Neuralgia can sometimes be triggered by a rain of alcohol consumption. Apart from that, a plays the mind with intoxicants and drugs is well known, not infrequently, pranks, can go hand-in-hand with cognitive disorders, panic and Nervousness. In this connection, also certain drugs may be mentioned as a possible cause. Especially psychotropic drugs, to deliberately influence the Psyche that cause anxiety as a possible side effects.

Other Causes

For more physical triggers to be found in the area of poisonings, heart problems (e.g. a heart attack) and life-threatening diseases, which attack the vital functions in such a way that these people are death to get fears. On the other, it is also possible that injuries to scare the wits out of the Affected with terror. Also, details of the accident itself, in such cases, a non-unerherblichen contribution, which is due not infrequently a frightening collision or fall ends.

Not to be under a lot of Stress is also value as a trigger for a terrible personality liable. Because all the nerves constantly under power, can also mean an increased irritability in a (supposedly) horror ready situations. In this context, it is also inadequate sleep hygiene was cited as a possible cause. Because lack of sleep is known to have perceptual and sensory disturbances as to cause, which may Express in addition to increased irritability in mood swings and irritability.

By the way: By unusual processes in the body are like the beginning of a pregnancy, you can also get a scare. Pregnant women, the need to pass all of a sudden, know this experience all too well. Since you don’t know at the time of vomiting is often the case that you are pregnant, triggers the vomiting reflex first, fear and panic. A disease of value in this regard is not given but.

Accompanying symptoms

Basically, those physical States of emergency are with the Jumpiness is exactly connected, which occurred already in prehistoric times as a companion of a dangerous Situation. These include

  • Tension,
  • Tachycardia,
  • Panic,
  • Sweats,
  • inner restlessness,
  • trembling hands.

If the Whole of certain diseases are based on, there are also, of course, a variety of disease-specific symptoms that can go hand-in-hand with the moment-to-moment horror. Conceivable are, for example,

  • Bleeding,
  • Pain,
  • Perception disorders,
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Such side effects increase the fright of often in addition, and make it still harder to be your fear.

Caution: Chronic Nervousness can be not only for the Psyche, but also and in particular for the heart and the immune system is a serious load! Because the body is due to the horror repeatedly in an alarming state of emergency, is held in the weakened immune system is constantly ready for use, what energy – and strength-consuming for the body’s immune system. Similarly, with the horrors associated heartbeat from a certain repetition the heart rate bring rhythm sensitive to the beat and even a heart attack cause!


Nervousness contributes often the first place to the determination of the actual cause of the disease, because it alerted those Affected and so the visit to the doctor prompted. The first point of contact is often of the competent doctor. Since a majority of reasons but is psychological or neurological in nature, is a subsequent course to become a specialist mostly. Be performed standard, physical examinations, within which a physical cause is either found or excluded.

The direction In which the measures of the diagnostic to run in the end, depends very much on the information during the initial patient interview (anamnesis) in experience. It is very important that Affected parties can be honest and open found on all questions to existing accompanying symptoms and possible causes – mental – answers in a timely manner an appropriate form of therapy. Depending on the suspicion of technical and imaging procedures are then in the initial examination, various laboratory possible. The doctor has reason to believe that a certain substance influence behind the disease, for example, will have a blood sample taken which is then analysed for appropriate parameters. In the case of heart problems an EKG is common.

Neurological and mental disorders, or anxiety disorders require Referral to a neurologist or psychiatrist. Here, in addition to imaging procedures such as EEG, especially detailed diagnoses give made after talks. The treatment is then usually also under neurological and psycho-therapeutic care.


Almost all cases of morbid Irritability, require a more or less extensive psycho-therapeutic care. This applies even to those cases in which a physical illness underlying cause. Regardless of the cause, in fright persons, namely, a continuing mental state of exception that can only be achieved by appropriate psycho-therapeutic measures to defuse. Overall, stakeholders, the following treatment measures are available:


For drug treatment of jumpiness, mainly specimens from the area of the sedatives to be used. These are medicines that have a calming effect on the nerves and also for the treatment of various anxiety disorders can be used. Classic drugs are here, for example, Diazepam, Nitrazepam, Citalopram, or amitriptyline. The two latter serve at the same time as antidepressants, such as anxiety disorders, are prescribed.

If epilepsy can be detected as a trigger, is used rather to antiepileptic drugs with calming effect (e.g., Phenobarbital). In the field of antipsychotic drugs, such as promethazine or Chlorprothixene find also.

It should be noted that many of these preparations should have a high addiction potential and is only used when other treatment measures without success. If no relevant mental or neurological disorders are recognized as the cause, therefore, it is better to work initially with disease-specific medication (e.g. heart medications for a heart condition) or psycho-therapeutic treatment.


Within a psycho-therapeutic treatment especially of behavior instead of find therapies, the patients provide a suitable coping strategy for dealing with your anxiety. Also in the case of nicotine and alcohol addiction, commonly referred to also provide for an increase in nerve sensitivity and allow for more jumpiness in everyday life, can help such a behavioral therapy.

In phobias therapy, which usually involves multiple meetings after an initial conversation, a targeted confrontation with the fear-inducing situations or objects. In the case of a severe trauma also conscious relaxation therapies to such measures.

Relaxation therapy

In the case of relaxation, muscle relaxation, Yoga, offered as a progressive therapy, or Qigong, sound is not only to cope with existing trauma and Fears. Rather, Affected to be more conveys Serenity, which will be able to excessive panic, Fears and also the morbid Irritability to stop. A special combination of relaxation and psychotherapy is given, in addition, with the help of hypnosis. She’s coming more and more often nowadays in coping with Trauma and anxiety therapy and achieved, interestingly, also good results. The only contra-indication is in the case of hypnosis, however, the Existence of a mental illness. Patients with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia may therefore no hypnosis treatment.

Medicinal herbs

As so often, is grown against nervousness more than just a herb. To the effective healing of herbal sedatives include here:

  • Valerian,
  • Ginseng,
  • Hops,
  • St. John’s wort,
  • Chamomile,
  • Lavender,
  • Linarin,
  • Lemon balm,
  • Passion flower,
  • Lemon balm.

The herbs are mostly prepared as a tea, but can also be part of a relaxing aroma therapy or Massage. Both can be scary to do people very well, and the situations in which they react with exaggerated terror, reduce.

Private Measures

Of course, there are also a whole lot of measures, the company Concerned itself, in order to alleviate your nervousness. Already in terms of behavior therapy, self-initiative, in particular, to willingly confront fear-inducing factors. To create in everyday life is more free space for relaxation, is also one of the private actions, when the same Doctors and health insurance companies support is often appropriate offers. Apart from that, you can go to the everyday life but also more relaxed on the whole design and soothing activities such as gardening, walking, Embroider or Paint, pay more attention.

In addition to these daily measures, it is also advisable to have certain unhealthy habits though. For this purpose, the nicotine – and alcohol consumption, for example. Two substances that clog the nerves tremendously and so the Nervousness promote. Also, it is important to lay a healthy sleep hygiene on the day or rather the night, to be rested and balanced. In the field of nutrition, is a caffeine-and sugar, as both strained the nerves unnecessarily. (ma)