6 cups cashew nuts, soaked in water
3 cups almonds, soaked in water
4 dates, soaked in water
2 dried figs, soaked in water
1 can coconut cream
1 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup water
Rainbow Colouring
Tumeric/Bee pollen
Green peas/Spirulina
Purple Base Preparation:
Blend a handful of blueberries, almonds, 1/3 cup coconut oil and two dried figs (The blueberries are for colour so add more according to how intense you want the base to be). Press the blended base into the bottom of a cake tin. Pop tin in the freezer to harden.
Rainbow layers:
First blend the ‘cake’ mix of cashews, dates the remaining coconut oil and the coconut cream. Pour it into equal portions between 3 bowls, leaving the same amount in the blender also.
First add the peas to the blender potion and whiz until smooth and green. You could also use spirulina, Japanese matcha or avocado for this layer.
Grate beetroot finely into bowl 1 and stir through cake mix until desired pink is achieved.
Add a pinch of turmeric to bowl or you could also use bee pollen.
Grate carrots into bowl, added a pinch of beetroot and turmeric as well to boost the intensity of the orange as the carrots were quite pale.
Pour each colour layer into the tin one by one, freezing each layer before adding the next so that they keep their colours intact. They don’t need to be completely frozen, just firm. The end result will be spectacular!
The more intense the colour, the more the flavour of the food you used to colour it will come through. So to start with maybe opt for a more pastel hue and work your way up according to what your taste buds and those of your guests might prefer.
Garnish with pomegranate seeds or passion fruit.
This is an edited extract from That Sugar Film by Damon Gameau.
Step 9
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