Every eleventh insured by a statutory health citizens, or more than six million people are so far from the co-payment for prescription drugs &ndash exempt; and should, therefore, now a new request for Exemption for the calendar year 2019, for your health insurance. For this purpose, the German pharmacists Association (DAV) advises all patients that have a predictable income (e.g., a monthly pension) and regular payments (for example, on medically prescribed drugs for chronic diseases) to be expected.
A prerequisite for the exemption is that the financial burden does not exceed two percent of the annual gross income, with allowances. In the case of chronically ill patients, it is only one percent, while children and young people up to 18. Birthday are always exempt co-payment.
With the current additional payment calculator, here to www.aponet.de for the year 2019 to determine whether the load limit in the course of the year. An example: A family father is married to a woman who suffers from a chronic disease. The Couple has two healthy children. The gross monthly income of the spouses is 4,000 euros, therefore, to 48,000 Euro per year. After deducting the amount of 5.607 Euro for the wife and a total of 15.240 Euro for the two children to be taken into account in income from 27.153 euros. Since the wife is chronically ill, must take the family of all co-payments up to the limit of one percent (271,53 Euro), is exempt in addition, however, of all the co-payments.
Already at the beginning of the year 2019 issued exemption certificate may not be only in the pharmacy, but also in the case of a doctor or clinic, financial, and bureaucratic relief visit. If the prescribing physician is an exemption notation on the prescription is registered or the Patient may submit a corresponding notice in the pharmacy, is fed no statutory co-payment for health insurance. In the case of prescription drugs, the copayment is otherwise ten per cent of the price, but a minimum of five euros and a maximum of ten Euro.
The additional payment calculator you can find on www.aponet.de/zuzahlungsrechner. More information on the topic of co-payments in the contribution payment exemption: a science for itself.
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