Who is not about his HIV-infection in the Clear, has become ill with a high risk of AIDS and to infect others with the HI-Virus. Both would be with an early diagnosis it can be avoided, because:
- The treatment with HIV medications, the onset of AIDS, prevent and the Affected can, in spite of their HIV infection well and long life.
- On the other hand can Infected with HIV under treatment, the HIV Virus not transmitted to others , even in unprotected Sex.
An HIV Test provides clarity
Only an HIV Test can show whether you are infected or not. With the HIV self-test (HIV home test), and in Germany since the autumn of 2018 is on sale, everyone can easily test yourself. Thus, the threshold decreases for all who have not married before, or where it is too time-consuming was to get out of the house to test.
The HIV-Test easy to buy and home self-making to be able to, so probably more people than in the past to early or more frequent HIV testing. And the sooner an HIV infection is diagnosed, the better the chances are for a successful treatment.
Where to buy HIV self-test?
The HIV self-test you get in the pharmacy, drugstores or in the Online trade. In addition, the Test also in health departments and AIDS-AIDS is available.
What self-tests are good?
There are many different HIV self-tests of very different quality. To ensure that a Test in Europe, set out safety and performance requirements generally met, if you are buying the following characteristics:
- The HIV home test has the CE mark of the European Union?
- Is the Test for the application by lay people?
- Is it allowed in Europe?
In addition, it should be a good HIV self-test, a practically a hundred % accuracy (sensitivity) , so in real application, each HIV infection to detect.
HIV self-tests with CE-mark are:
- Atomo HIV Self Test of atomo diagnostics
- Autotest VIH of AAZ-LMB (sales: ratiopharm)
- Biosure HIV Self Test of Biosure
- Exacto HIV self-test of Biosynex
- INSTI HIV test from bioLytical
Open your eyes when buying Online
Who would like to purchase the HIV self-test online, should also pay attention to the evaluation criteria. Because some of the offered on the Internet, HIV home tests have not CE-mark and are of poor quality.
And even if an Online provider of an HIV self-test in the Internet with the CE mark and other quality marks is applying, is caution advised: Check carefully on which these awards relate. Because sometimes the Test is not meant, but only a single component of the kit – like the Lancet for blood sampling, or the swab.
How does the HIV self-test?
The HIV self-test is a kind of quick test. As with other test procedures, it has the HI-Virus is not directly after, but the formed antibody.
For the HIV self-test is only a drop of blood is needed. The blood is removed from the tip of a finger, and a test device given. About 15 minutes later, the result is read.
Important: instructions for use follow
Who in the HIV self-test application error can incorrect results get. That is, the test result may be negative even though you are HIV-positive, and Vice versa.
What if the result is positive?
A positive test result does not necessarily mean that one is infected with HIV. Because the self-tests are so fine-tuned that they sometimes overreact: Then show you a positive result, although no HIV infection is present.
If the test result is positive, is therefore always a second Test for confirmation is required. Only then is really clear, whether one is HIV-positive, or whether the self reacts in a test incorrectly. It is best to can the confirmation test, directly with a specialized doctor.
And if the confirmation test is also positive?
HIV infection is very well treatable. People with HIV have in Germany, therefore, a similarly high life expectancy as HIV negative people.
What if the result is negative?
HIV-negative means that there is no evidence of HIV infection there. However, the self-test is a negative result in the HIV-only twelve weeks after an HIV risk contact reliable. Because the HIV antibodies which the Test is sought, are formed only after some time:
- In some people, although between the 3. and the 6. Week after infection, HIV antibody is detectable.
- For others it will take longer until first antibodies to form.
- After 12 weeks, Infected antibodies in virtually all HIV-undetectable.
To exclude HIV infection with the self-test, surely, must be to return the risk of HIV contact, therefore, twelve weeks.
Can affect HIV prophylaxis the Test?
HIV prophylaxis is a treatment with drugs to prevent HIV infection before or after a possible infection. The can the HIV self-test to a negative result for lead, even though, in reality, is an infection with the HI Virus.
That is why it is in the case of an HIV-prophylaxis is advisable by a doctor, a Counsellor, or at a local AIDS counselling and testing.
And also for all the other questions around the issue of HIV and AIDS, please refer to the counselling centres competent contact person to help you anonymously and for free.
FAQ: HIV-self-test. Online information of the Aidshilfe Köln e. V.: www.aidshilfe-koeln.de (retrieval date: 10.12.2019)
HIV-Test. Online information of the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e. V.: www.aidshilfe.de (retrieval date: 10.12.2019)
HIV-Test. Online information from the Federal centre for health education (BZgA): www.liebesleben.de (retrieval date: 10.12.2019)
HIV self-tests. Online information of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute (PEI): www.pei.de (status: 21.11.2019)
Press release of the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e. V.: HIV self-test will prevent Aids (21.9.2018)
For More Information
Onmeda-Reading Tips:
- HIV and AIDS: symptoms, causes and treatment
- HIV and AIDS: Common questions & Answers
- Forum disease – everyday – life: Exchange information about their disease and their experiences in diagnosis and treatment
Link tips:
- AIDS help-advice.deDie AIDS AIDS in Germany offer anonymous counselling by phone, email and Chat – be it for questions about infection risks in the implementation of the Tests, or when dealing with the result.
- www.liebesleben.de The phone and online consulting to the Federal centre for health education, help and info offers around the topic of HIV/AIDS, and also helps to overcome the Concerns before the HIV Test.
*The post “HIV-self-test: is the test easy at home” published by Onmeda. Contact with the executives here.