Now you have another reason to get your two and five in – research by the Department of Psychology at the Macquarie University in Sydney has found that women prefer the smell of men who eat loads of fruit and veg.
The study saw male participants provide dietary information and sweat samples, while female participants were asked to evaluate the samples (the ol’ sniff test) on “several affective, qualitative and psychophysical dimensions”.
Basically, how good they smelled.
Men whose skin spectrophotometry measure indicated greater fruit and vegetable intake were significantly associated with “more pleasant smelling sweat” i.e. with more floral, fruity, sweet and medicinal qualities.
Self-report dietary data indicated that fat, meat, eggs and tofu consumption was also linked to a sweeter smell but those with a diet heavy in carbohydrates were found to smell less attractive.
So forget a killer smile or a winning personality, it’s all about their vegetable intake.
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