One more year of life time should get the citizens Gaggenaus – the provisional balance-sheet of the field test, however, are mixed. “We haven’t had the right tools,” says Joachim Fischer of the Medical faculty of Mannheim. Also, three years were too short a time for concrete results, explains the head of the in April 2016, a project was launched “to be A good year for every citizen”.
The researchers want to lay the foundations in order to give each of the approximately 30,000 inhabitants Gaggenaus an average of a year longer life time. The promotion of health and a livable environment to the workplace and place of residence were aspects, authorities, schools, nurseries, local Council and businesses should be included. It was, for example, urban structures, with which Older before isolation can be maintained. It is, as yet, nothing happens presentable,” says Fischer. “Ways of thinking and cultural changes need time.”
The population is difficult to convey, “that there was nothing tangible,” explains city spokeswoman Carmen Merkel. The least would have been able to start with the project. It is important the processes are in progress in order to improve the quality of life. “For us, it was worth the project.”
As an old man not to be afraid to come to the city
In 2017, Merkel said the LEVEL of measures that have been implemented in the city: “We are working, that the toilets in the public space are accessible. So you need to have as an old man or in a wheelchair don’t be afraid to come into the city,” she explains. If this wegfalle anxiety, increases the Chance for someone to trust, longer life.
And as a primary school for full-day care has been rebuilt, the municipality of the Mensa deliberately to the adjacent old people’s home. “So it comes quite casually to the contact between the generations, every day,” said Merkel.
Scientists Fischer is convinced that Pursuing more of the community in the project path, expect tangible results in eight to ten years. The state of Baden-Württemberg, had encouraged the project, with around 350.000 Euro per year, at 30. April ended the funding.