Read what your sign's 2018 horoscope predictions have in store for you, or check out the Aquarius personality profile.
Sometimes, Aquarius, it’s easier for you to intellectualize than emote. It's a fairly good coping mechanism for those times when you just don't have the energy to deal with your emotions, but the next few weeks, you need to put down the facade. The sun is currently moving across your intimacy sector (the area of your chart known as the Eighth House) and ignoring your emotions is no longer an option. Right now, it’s important for you to confront the past, including anything that may be hidden. After all, how can you expect people be vulnerable with you if you can’t be honest with yourself?
Your feelings come to a head on Sunday, September 9, when a new moon blankets the sky. With your emotions now embedded in reality, you will need to address a major secret. But don’t fret, Aquarius. This lunation is extremely personal, so although a clandestine issue is now at the forefront of your mind, it won’t necessarily become public knowledge — not yet, at least.
Jupiter and Pluto align on Wednesday, September 12, forming a rare and powerful bond in the sky. Although this cosmic connection doesn’t happen very often (it won’t occur again until 2022), this is actually the third installment in 2018. Think back to January 15 and April 14: What was happening in your life? With Jupiter illuminating your career zone, you’ve made huge professional strides this year. Now, mid-month, get ready for the final push. Your incredible resilience will be rewarded.
You may receive shocking information at the end of the month, but keep
your cool.
On Saturday, September 22, the sun moves into Libra, a like-minded air sign. Finally, after a few seriously moody moments, you’ll enjoy a well-deserved energy jolt. Now, you’ll feel inspired by your journey and truly proud of how far you’ve come. Celebrate your achievements by going far outside your comfort zone. What fun activity is catching your eye? Whether you’re making last-minute travel plans or exploring a new part of town, find inspiration in your curiosities.
But be careful of the grapevine, Aquarius dear. The full moon on Sunday, September 24 electrifies your communication zone, and while expression is a good thing, it’s important to be aware of your sources. You may receive shocking information at the end of the month, but keep your cool, Aquarius: You don’t want to jump to conclusions. Stay calm with Boscia Cactus Water Moisturizer, which provides plant-based hydration to ensure smooth, supple skin.
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