Drew and Jonathan Scott of Property Brothers | HGTV/Scripps Networks Interactive
The Property Brothers are experts in all things home decor– their design sense in the bathroom is no exception. Though clawfoot tubs are beautiful (and very in right now), the brothers warn against them. Read on to find out why.
1. Clawfoot tubs are extremely popular
In just about every magazine spread on bathroom interior design, or every Instagram/Pinterest page featuring dream bathrooms, there’s almost always a clawfoot tub. Aesthetically, they’re beautiful. They add a vintage charm to your bathroom and are often quite roomy. But, according to the Property Bothers, they’re a bigger pain than they’re worth.
2. If you have one on the second floor it can ruin your ceiling
One of the issues with clawfoot tubs the Property Brothers have run into before is that they can actually damage your ceiling if kept on the second floor. Because they’re so prone to spillage, it’s not uncommon for the floor under the tub to get pretty soaked during bath time.
“[The water] can seep in and actually drip down from your bathroom to your lower level ceiling,” Jonathan told PopSugar.
3. They’re bad for kids
If you’re designing a bathroom with your kids in mind, don’t go with a clawfoot tub. Not only can they be dangerous to climb in and out of (they’re often too tall for young kids), but they’re also extremely messy. In a clawfoot tub, it’s not uncommon for much of the water to end up outside the bath, especially when kids are involved.
4. They’re a pain if you don’t have a separate shower
Clawfoot bathtub | ShyLama Productions/iStock/Getty Images
It’s easier to make a clawfoot tub work if you have a separate shower. The shower’s for your everyday needs and the clawfoot tub’s just for special occasions– there’s not much spillage because it’s not used every day. But when your clawfoot tub doubles as your shower, things can get especially messy. Not to mention how big of a pain it is to have to step over the side of the tub every time you enter and exit the shower.
5. Clawfoot tubs can damage your walls
Just like the water is likely to spill over and damage your floor (or ceiling if it’s on the second floor), it’s also likely that your walls will get ruined from water damage.
“It doesn’t butt up against the wall, so you get a lot of spillage and it can cause damage to your wall,” warns Jonathan.
6. If you do have one, it has to be in a wet room
Ideally, the Property Brothers say it’s best to stay away from clawfoot tubs altogether. But if you do have one, be sure to keep it in a room that can handle a lot of spilled water.
“If you’re going to do it as both a shower and a tub, it has to be in a wet room. You have to have everything tiled and waterproof you can’t have it in a regular room,” says Jonathan.
7. Function vs. style
When it comes to choosing the right bathtubs for your home, Jonathan reminds homeowners to consider both function as well as style. You can have the most beautiful Pinterest-perfect bathroom in the world, but if it can’t stand water damage or it isn’t practical for your daily life, what good is it?
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